Participants of the CBAS Field Trip to the Manifest Drawing Center on May 6th were treated to an informative presentation of the history, mission and people of the Manifest Drawing Center by Jason Franz, Executive Director/Co-Founder. Following that we were given an in-depth tour of the existing building by Adam Mysock, Education and Studio Program Manager. Both Jason and Adam explained what existing space is currently used for and how the space will be utilized in the future when planned renovations are complete. Plans for the future are to bring together the Manifest Gallery and Manifest Drawing Studio under one roof. The Gallery is currently located in Walnut Hills on Woodburn Avenue, and the Drawing Studio has already relocated to Central Parkway. Their plans include keeping as much of the architecture and details of the present building as possible. One space our group was interested in was a garage currently housing stone lithograph stones donated by April Foster, a former CBAS member. This space will be used for a print studio. To improve lighting in the print studio, the heavy, dark garage doors will be replaced with a glass wall. We saw collections of cameras, libraries of donated books, works by artists in residence, feathers, props, skulls and many other unusual and interesting objects used in sketching, painting, etc. The overall effect was one of elegance but also imaginative creativity. The two hours we spent there flew by and as one member said “it was great to learn more about Manifest.” It’s basically an art school offering continuing education for artists. To check out the classes and workshops being offered here’s a link to the Manifest web site.