The Cincinnati Book Arts Society invites you to a Zoom meeting on Saturday, February 8th from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. This is a Zoom meeting only. Join other CBAS members as Jo Diamantes presents the Slip Knot Binding.
DESCRIPTION: Learn how to bind single pages together without using needles using the slip knot stitch. The above pictures are of a completed structure. We will bind a prototype, as seen below, to learn the process. Recycled materials are good to use.
SUPPLIES NEEDED: individual sheets are called pages in this description.
- 6 pages cut from cereal boxes, manila folders, stiff cardstock – pages need to be of stiff/stout materials. We’re keeping this simple and the “covers” will be the same as the pages.
- Waxed linen thread – the heavier the better to see what you’re doing. Allow 3″ per hole so for 6 pages two threads 18″ long will be needed. (Add 2″+for insurance and/or beads)
- The usual: scissors, ruler, pencil, paper for making sewing template, awl.
- The unusual: a hole punch or other tool to punch holes like a screw punch, thick awl, etc. And a Sharpie or other way to mark one end of each thread. Also include a weight to help hold down the finished pages as you are assembling them and a rubber band or clip to keep the finished pages together.
Below are two pictures of a prototype made with 120 lb card stock and 7 ply waxed linen thread.

Please RSVP by February 5th to [email protected] so you’ll be on the list of Zoom attendees to receive the link whether you pay by PayPal, check or cash. You will receive a confirming email. If paying by PayPal click on the $10.00 “February” button on the Study Group page of the CBAS website cincinnatibookarts.org/events-workshops/study-group/ Otherwise, send a check to: Cincinnati Book Arts Society, PO Box 32033, Cincinnati, OH 45232-0033.