CBAS invites you to an in-person and Zoom meeting presented by Janice Kagermeier on Saturday September 14 from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the CBAS Studio #164, 2511 Essex Place, Cincinnati, OH 45206. Parking is available in front of the building and in the lot across the street.
DESCRIPTION: There are innumerable reasons to incorporate photos into your work as a book artist, and many techniques to achieve the effect you’re looking for. Whether you want to tell a story, honor someone or something, document an event or record the passage of time, photos can be a powerful tool. Join other CBAS members for an informal but informative session exploring the power of photographs in books.
SUPPLIES NEEDED: This will be a sharing and show-and-tell session, not a hands-on workshop. You’re invited to bring any books you’ve made (finished or in progress) that incorporate photos using any techniques, photo books you’ve had commercially printed and/or questions about future projects.
Please RSVP by September 7th to [email protected] to reserve a space or be put on the list of Zoom attendees. You need to RSVP whether you pay by PayPal, check or cash. You will receive a confirming email. If paying by PayPal click on the $15 “September” button on the Study Group page of the CBAS website http://cincinnatibookarts.org/events-workshops/study-group/ Otherwise please bring cash or check to the meeting.