The next time you’re at the Essex Studios, check out the display in the cases outside CBAS studio #164. Longtime CBAS member Peg Rhein has installed an exhibit of suminagashi and orizomegashi papers made in the October Japanese Paper Arts workshop with master marbler and paper artist Diane Maurer Mathison. Included are some of Diane’s numerous books and informational cards about the two ancient forms of paper decoration. Many thanks to Peg for assembling and installing the display.
While you’re there, CBAS members, if you haven’t already done so, check out the studio’s lending library. More than two hundred books and a number of periodicals are available for borrowing or browsing while you’re there. All donated by members and supporters, the library holdings cover a wide variety of book arts topics and are arranged in easy-to-find categories such as Calligraphy, Paper Decoration, Binding, Pop-ups, etc. Just look for the white 3-ring binder on the taller book shelf and sign out the book(s) you’d like to borrow. Return them the next time you’re in the studio.
Check out a list of what’s available at For questions about the library, contact [email protected].