Ann Alaia Woods
The History of the World
Carol Freid
Held Captive-The Constitution and Bill of Rights
Carolyn Stewart
Asian Concertina
Judith Serling-Sturm
Unarmed in America
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The CBAS Study Group is a collaborative group of CBAS members who meet together on the second Saturday of the month to investigate special areas of interest in the book arts, and share their knowledge with other members. The only requirement to participate is that you be a current paid member of CBAS.
Ideally, Study Group members will share the responsibility by taking turns presenting or collaborating to present a program and guiding the group to learn something new. It might be something you already know or something you investigate to share with the group. You do not need to be an expert – just a person willing to explore a new topic and present it to the group.
Hybrid Study Group sessions are currently being held so in-person and Zoom attendees may both participate and interact. Meetings are generally held the second Saturday of the month at 2:00 pm and last 2-3 hours. Advance registration is required for all meetings. Current CBAS members receive e-mail invitations to each upcoming meeting with details about reservations. Fees for each session are generally $10.00 to $15.00. Each meeting is different so schedule changes may occur. Please verify information with the current announcement. To learn more or ask a question contact the CBAS Study Group Coordinator: [email protected]





(Price will be posted soon)



CBAS STUDY GROUP Playful Lettering presented by Karalyn Kavanaugh Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 2:00 – 4:30 pm Essex Studio #164, 2511 Essex Place, Cincinnati,

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