You’re invited to the CBAS Annual Meeting and Potluck on Saturday, April 13, 2024 from Noon – 2:00 pm at the CBAS Studio, The Essex Studios #164, 2511 Essex Place, Cincinnati, OH 45206. Bring a dish to share, your new book projects for Show and Tell and learn what is new in CBAS. Drinks and desserts will be provided by the CBAS Board. One member has already volunteered to bring 3 big Bearcat pizzas from Adriatico’s for us to share so think of sides to go with that. We always have amazing food and desserts as well as door prizes! No fee for CBAS members and donations from guests are appreciated and help support workshops and studio rental. Please RSVP to [email protected] by April 6th so we know how many to expect. Parking is available in the front lot and a small lot across the street.